Our Team

Jenny-Lee Moore

Council Member

I didn’t plan a life in education. Or so I thought. Education was school. It was rows of desks. It was uniforms. Conformity. Spoon-feeding and regurgitation. When I completed my degree in modern European languages and accepted a position in the European Parliament, finally, I could begin. School was behind me. Education was done.

I was wrong. It was just the beginning. My 20 year career has weaved through the roles of political advisor, NGO manager, lobbyist, Data privacy specialist and teacher. It has located me in the European Institutions in Belgium, in London, in Washington D.C., Switzerland with the United Nations, and most recently at the United Nations International School in Hanoi, Vietnam. These perspectives and the diversity of experiences sustain my passion for the need to modernise and humanise our education systems. They afforded me the vision to understand not what education was, but what education could be.

We cannot do this without technology. We cannot do this without mindful innovations that consider their impact on society.
The Technology Readiness Council offers an opportunity for schools to engage in an ethical approach to technological innovation and to forge a new era in educational technology, which can empower and protect us all. I am honoured to be invited to continue my educational journey as a member of the TRC

